
Showing posts from March, 2019

Session 3

Session 3 - March 2019 System: MCC Adventure: Assault on Sky High Tower (as level 1) Synopsis: Arrived at Entrance. No problems getting through to the station that brings them there. Got to the gardens around the tower, and found the robot. After a couple rounds of fighting the robot one of them threw an EMP at it and it was shut down. The other party members beat it to death. They found the sewer entrance and climbed upwards. Once in sky high tower they proceeded to a room with roach manimals. After much fighting a mutant party member dominated a cockroach and sent it after the remaining few. They got a blowtorch and zoomed out of the room. Next they went into an office room which they looked through and went away to the girls old room. They found the chemistry kit and managed to add a new mutation to one of the party members. After this another person tried and drank what was in his vial. Shortly afterwards he exploded. The party went on to a room with a fat video game...

Session 2

Session #2 - March 2019 System: DCC Adventure: Carnival of the Damned Synopsis: The party reached the ball pit and immediately went inside. Following this they went up the stairs thought about going away but seeing the glow in the pit prompted one of them to jump right in. The tentacle beast emerged and with its attack ate him with a natural 20. The party members began shooting at it (one of them having no ranged weapons was throwing glass at it), this did very little for the first couple rounds. Some of them considered leaving, but the “promise of treasure” kept them. After many round of shooting the monster and hoping not to die all they killed it and dove for the treasure. They got a slide projector, moon coin, healing jelly beans, and a magic wooden eye (the owner immediately decided to destroy this as it was "worthless" to him).