Session 3
Session 3 - March 2019 System: MCC Adventure: Assault on Sky High Tower (as level 1) Synopsis: Arrived at Entrance. No problems getting through to the station that brings them there. Got to the gardens around the tower, and found the robot. After a couple rounds of fighting the robot one of them threw an EMP at it and it was shut down. The other party members beat it to death. They found the sewer entrance and climbed upwards. Once in sky high tower they proceeded to a room with roach manimals. After much fighting a mutant party member dominated a cockroach and sent it after the remaining few. They got a blowtorch and zoomed out of the room. Next they went into an office room which they looked through and went away to the girls old room. They found the chemistry kit and managed to add a new mutation to one of the party members. After this another person tried and drank what was in his vial. Shortly afterwards he exploded. The party went on to a room with a fat video game...