
Showing posts from 2019

Session 12

Session 12 - December 2019 System: MCC Adventure: DINOTASTIC PARK! (modified) Synopsis - After escaping QUICK DEATH the characters head away seeking a safe place. They find a small seaside abandoned town, most of the buildings knocked over and in extreme states of disrepair, they meet some Urchins who have taken this town as their home. They live in the large Hotel in the center of town. The urchins seem friendly but, characters are suspicious, is this really the perfect town it seems to be?

Down the Rabbit Hole

My own adventure run at U-con gaming convention in Ypsilanti!

Session 11

Session 11 - November 2019 System: MCC Adventure: DINOTASTIC PARK! (modified) Synopsis: The PC's decide to stay the night in the desert not wanting to hike to much farther. Unfortunately for them this makes easy prey for Quick Death. They get lucky during the night as Quick Death did not find them yet but just as they were about to get out. Quick Death ambushes them. He comes charging at them flailing his chainsaw arm (yes that is a thing) all around. He hit's the Shaman with a direct blow from the tail sending him flying away. The healer does heal the Shaman in time and they stay and fight for a while longer. No matter what they did though Quick Death would heal and get back up stronger, so when quick death fell down (fumble) one of the mutants took his chance, glowburning so that he could teleport them all out of there. The PC's lived to fight again but this experience gave them a new fear of the park.

Session 10

Session 10 - November 2019 System: MCC Adventure: DINOTASTIC PARK! (modified) Synopsis: The PC's continue to venture through the park taking the route around the water and into the desert. Where they dawdle about for a while the huge T-rex filled to the brim with nanobots aptly named quick death starts moving in on the location. The PC's hear roars but disregard them and continue on their way narrowly avoiding a bunch of triceratops fleeing the area.

Session 9

Session 9 - October 2019 System: MCC Adventure: DINOTASTIC PARK! (modified) Synopsis: The freshly created PC's venture out of their tribe to a mysterious glowing dome that had recently appeared near their village. Upon their arrival at the glowing dome the PC's are confronted by two smart metal contraptions. The contraptions ask the PC's to hand over their Ident Cards. Groot afraid of these crazy machines stabs the first one with one of his spears, causing it to blow up wounding Groot. After this the PC's pass through the main gate. They come into a room with a stand asking for E-tickets, they loot the stand and come outside. Pando climbs one of the nearby trees and looks around, he sees a source of water so the group heads there. Upon getting to the water the characters find a huge pile of dinosaurs with their spines and brains removed sitting near the shore. The characters rest here. In the morning Pando scouts at the top of the tallest tree he can find...

Session 8

Session 8 - October 2019 System: MCC Adventure: DINOTASTIC PARK! (modified) Synopsis: The 1st level PC's were created - 1) Pando (Manimal Panda w/ the following mutations; Amplimorph, Heightened stamina, and Molecular disruption) 2) Bruh (PSH Shaman with GAEA as his patron) 3) Groot (Plantient Oak Tree w/ the following mutations; Radiation Generation, and Symbiotic Touch) 4) Regulaar (Mutant with reptilian skin w/ the following mutations; Metamorph, Holographic Skin, and Thought Spike) 5) Evanescent Presiter (Mutant with leaf hair and the following mutations; Electrical Generation, Amplimorph, Heightened Strength, and Teleportation)

Session 7

Session 7 - June 2019 System: DCC Adventure: Carnival of the Damned Synopsis: The characters came in and met a zombie Golem and got the unicorn statue from him by confusing him with a riddle. Then got through a trap to get a violin. They finally came to the black jesters lair. A bloodbath ensued. The characters would attack and the jester would dodge. He sent rainbows around a PC's head and blinded him. He swung and accidentally killed one of his companions. Eventually They killed the zombie that was in the room. Eventually they figured out how to possibly kill the black jester. He sent one of them floating to the ceiling and well he was preoccupied the characters started playing the violin held out the teddy bear and put down the unicorn statue. He started sobbing with all the memories of his dead family. He finally was done and let the unicorn that manifested stab him, through the heart. The characters found the mirror with the children in it and l...

Lancers Game Club

The Lancers game club is a school club meeting at Milwood Middle School after school for 1 hour. The club meets on Thursdays at 2:30-3:30 pm. In this club we have a wide array of gaming options, and I host the rpg (role-playing game) option. This website shows the games I have run starting February 2019. My primary game system is DCC (dungeon crawl classics). Over the years I have played a good amount of systems, but none have been quite as fun as DCC or MCC (Mutant Crawl Classics).

Session 6

Session 6 - May 2019 System: DCC Adventure: Carnival of the Damned Synopsis: The party goes and plays carnival games killing off 3 different characters all shot by bow and arrows protruding from one of the machines. After that they made a rush across the river using the cannon, with miraculously no deaths. On the way they stopped by a petting zoo and drank some trippy cow milk, and got absolutely mauled by a half man half pig. By the end they finally reached the "house on the hill".


If you want to start a game over the summer in the Kalamazoo area or want to talk to me about the game club you can email me at If you are part of the game club comment your info below.

session 5

Session 5 - May 2019 System: DCC Adventure: Carnival of the Damned Synopsis: Characters traveled to the tilt-a-whirl. Once inside they were flung about. Most of them tried to hold onto the handles but one of them didn’t. He hit against the back wall and died. After a while one of them attempted to cast a spell he had acquired but it misfired and went straight at a different player. This player jumped onto him and killed him, but in doing so let go of a handle and splattered against a wall. Eventually everybody grabbed one of the keys hanging from the ceiling and opened the chest in the middle. They got only a teddy bear.

Session 4

Session 4 - April 2019 System: DCC Adventure: Carnival of the Damned Synopsis: Watched the first slide they got. Went from the ball pit to the tattoo parlor. Found a big clown getting tattooed and two little clowns playing violins. One of them proceeded in with caution but was noticed by one of the tiny clowns. They engaged her in a fight and the others came to help. They eventually killed one of the tiny clowns and another tiny clown (this one they killed by breaking his violin then chopping off his head). After that all that was left was the big clown. The big clown chopped off the head of the party member that killed the second little clown and came at the others. Luckily the others were able to beat it down with no further injury.

Session 3

Session 3 - March 2019 System: MCC Adventure: Assault on Sky High Tower (as level 1) Synopsis: Arrived at Entrance. No problems getting through to the station that brings them there. Got to the gardens around the tower, and found the robot. After a couple rounds of fighting the robot one of them threw an EMP at it and it was shut down. The other party members beat it to death. They found the sewer entrance and climbed upwards. Once in sky high tower they proceeded to a room with roach manimals. After much fighting a mutant party member dominated a cockroach and sent it after the remaining few. They got a blowtorch and zoomed out of the room. Next they went into an office room which they looked through and went away to the girls old room. They found the chemistry kit and managed to add a new mutation to one of the party members. After this another person tried and drank what was in his vial. Shortly afterwards he exploded. The party went on to a room with a fat video game...

Session 2

Session #2 - March 2019 System: DCC Adventure: Carnival of the Damned Synopsis: The party reached the ball pit and immediately went inside. Following this they went up the stairs thought about going away but seeing the glow in the pit prompted one of them to jump right in. The tentacle beast emerged and with its attack ate him with a natural 20. The party members began shooting at it (one of them having no ranged weapons was throwing glass at it), this did very little for the first couple rounds. Some of them considered leaving, but the “promise of treasure” kept them. After many round of shooting the monster and hoping not to die all they killed it and dove for the treasure. They got a slide projector, moon coin, healing jelly beans, and a magic wooden eye (the owner immediately decided to destroy this as it was "worthless" to him).

Session 1

Session #1 - February 2019 System: DCC Adventure: Carnival of the Damned Synopsis: After much debate about what to buy with their small amount of money the party set off for the carnival. At the statue they took turns debating who would read the message, finally one of them read the sign and became mad with hysterical laughter. They moved on to the test your strength machine. One of them got caught up in the bell and the others started trying to get him out. Another one of them touched the bell and switched positions with the last party member in the bell. Eventually they decided to hit it with the hammer again, the party member in the bell died, but the other party member got a FABULOUS PRIZE! Now everyone wanted to try the bell, and after two failed attempts (by the same person) there was another dead party member. They moved on towards the ball pit.